About Us

Mission Statement
Encompassing the mandate of Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20,
our mission statement is:
“Where the lost are found, the found are discipled,
and the disciples serve.”
Everyone has the need to belong. God created families, in part, to meet this need. Orchard Ridge focuses on meeting the needs of those families as well as being a family for those that do not have one. Our focus group is primarily made of moms and dads of children, teens and college age youth. In many cases, both parents work. We also have divorced, widowed, never-married singles, and single parents in our fellowship. As our world continues to pull at the fabric of the family unit, we are committed to ministries that seek to bring together and strengthen the home and the relationships within the family. We will ask members for no more than three nights a week to be devoted to church activity/ministries. This is based on the premise that our priorities should be God first, Family second and Church third. If this is to be reflected in practices, the church should not get the majority of nights from our members. We will be committed to Biblical instruction in the areas that pertain to family, marriage and parent/child relationships.
We are committed to providing a home and hope for those who are hurting from broken relationships and the consequences of sin. Our mission is to be a family of faith in North Macomb by providing a healthy Christian environment that facilitates healing, nurture, and spiritual growth.
“Where the lost are found, the found are discipled, and disciples serve.”