Women’s Bible Study
This is a very relaxed setting of fellowship and scripture. We start with a video and then share and discuss the scriptures that apply to personal life stories. No homework. Are you new to Bible Study? This is a safe place to jump in. You won’t be alone. We hope you can make it!
When: Monday night from 7pm-8:30pm
Where: Fireplace Room at Orchard Ridge Church
Contact: Sharon Spahar (248) 561-7761

YOUNG ADULT Group (Ages 18-29)
Join us at Orchard Ridge Church for “Ridge”. Our group is in the exciting process of forming a close-knit community tailored for young adults like you. Connect with us and explore the journey of faith, friendship, and growth
When: Every other Monday 6:30pm -8:30pm
Where: Tim and Emily Kiester’s home: 68048 Frampton Dr. Washington, MI 48095
Contact: Skylar Ryskamp (248) 842-5076 or Levi Brock (219)765-9754

Men’s Bible Study
Please join us as we journey through the book “Facing Your Giants” and learn how to you can face your personal giants, even if you aren’t the strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, or the holiest. When we focus on our giants — we stumble; when we focus on God — our giants tumble. If you’re ready to face your giants, let Davids’ story inspire you. The same God who helped him will help you.
When: Tuesdays, from 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Fireplace room, Orchard Ridge Church
Contact: Fred Moler: (586) 634-8707 or Pete Mills: (248) 882-4959 or
Chris Hines: (586) 322-9830

Orchard Ridge Student Ministries(Grades 7-12)
Rooted Youth Student Ministries exists to provide a space where students can Know God, Find Community, Experience Freedom, and Live with Love. Each week we meet at a beautiful lake, where we spend time learning about our relationship with Christ, as well as enjoying time with one another. Through fellowship and teaching of the Word, Rooted Youth Student Ministries provides a space where students can grow with one another and our Creator. This is an incredibly fun time for your students from 7th-12th grade to get plugged in!
Where: Lake Clubhouse, 65545 Mound Rd. Washington Twp., MI 48095
When: Tuesday nights 6:30-8:00 PM
Contact: Youth Director, Levi Brock (219)765-9754

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Boost your mid-week spiritual growth by joining Pastor Leon and Pastor Steve as they share Bible insights followed by a powerful and effective prayer time.
Once a week, Orchard Ridge Church gathers for PRAYER! Jesus said some things in our lives would never change without prayer. There’s a time to pray by yourself – but on Wednesday nights, we pray TOGETHER. And there is POWER, PEACE & PURPOSE available to us when we pray! THERE IS NO GATHERING IN SMALL GROUPS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS GATHERING.
When: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Where: Orchard Ridge Church
Contact: Pastor Leon (586) 484-1100
Join us at 7 pm on Wednesday Nights when we gather to pray for the needs of our Church family, community, nation, and world. Then we explore a passage in the Bible together. It is a great time of sharing and growing our faith.
This Winter we will continue our study of the Holy Spirit, but now as revealed during the Life of Christ. Although this is a series of Bible Studies, you can jump in at any time. No pre-reading is required.
Here is our schedule:

Men’s Breakfast & Bible at The Pantry Restaurant
We gather early every Wednesday to share breakfast and dive deeper into the Word to consider how it applies to our everyday lives.
Where: The Pantry Restaurant, 58884 Van Dyke Ave, Washington Twp., MI 48094
When: Wednesday Mornings at 6 am
Contact: Frank Sandomierski (586) 744-9701

Women’s Bible Study
Join us as we venture into new studies titled,
“But God”, written by Sharon Drake-Ross. We will examine the word and learn new life applications.
You’ll love the study, prayer and fellowship.
When: Wednesday morning at 10am – 12pm
Where: Church Fireplace Lobby
Contact: Sharon Drake-Ross (810) 444-8484

Planting Seeds
Bible Study Series: Quiet Yet Significant Moments in Jesus’ Life
Each week, we will explore an event in Jesus’ life that may not seem spectacular but have significant importance and deeper meaning for us today. We will follow the S.O.A.P. process as we allow God’s Word to be Planted in our hearts with the Seeds of Truth to transform us to be more like Jesus. Although this is a series, you can jump in any time! No Book, No Homework!
When: Thursday Evening 6:45pm – 8:00pm
Where: Meet at Sue Dudgeon’s home
Contact: For more information see Brenda Drake or Sue Dudgeon

Flourisher Girls Group
It’s time for girls to flourish! Our girls are being bombarded with so much conflicting information in this world. Flourisher Group will encourage and fortify girls in the understanding of who God created them to be while developing a healthy self-image and enriching the world with competent, gracious, and effective young women who love and serve others.
This 12-week program is for middle to high school girls.
When: Fridays at 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Where: Fireplace Room at Orchard Ridge Church
Contact: Tammy Allgeier (248) 836-8806

Prime Timers – Ages 50 and up
The goal of this ministry is to provide spiritual growth, encouragement, support and fellowship for our Seniors of 50+. We meet several times a year at Orchard Ridge Church where we will share a light meal and fellowship together.
Questions? Call Sharon Drake-Ross @ 810.444.8484 ~ [email protected] ; or Joyce Miller @ 586.764.2211 ~ [email protected]
Community Christian Groups outside of Orchard Ridge Church:
SHELBY Men’s Group
Wednesday Nights @ 7 pm
Location: 54255 Franklin Drive, Shelby Twp, MI 48316
Questions? Call Chris Hines @ 586.322.9830 or e-mail @ [email protected]
BULLDOG Men’s Group
Thursday Mornings @ 6 am
Location: Coaches Room, Romeo High School, 62300 Jewell Road, Washington, MI 48094
Questions? Call Pastor Steve @ 586.381.0070 or e-mail @ [email protected]
Friday Morning’s @ 7:30 am
Location: 971 Dutton Road, Rochester Hills, MI 48306
Questions? Call Pastor Steve @ 586.381.0070 or e-mail @ [email protected]

“Where the lost are found, the found are discipled, and disciples serve.”