ORCN Staff

Lead Pastor – Pastor Steve Barkey
Pastor Steve Barkey has served in full time Christian ministry as Youth Pastor (1994-2003; intermittently from 2003-present) and as Lead Pastor since 2003. In the summer of 2003 he and his wife Sharon and their two daughters Brianna and Brooke moved to Washington, Michigan and launched Orchard Ridge Church of the Nazarene. The church began with 25 dedicated people meeting in a residential basement. After 18 years of operating as a portable church in area schools Orchard Ridge opened their own church building on 23 acres in Washington Township in September of 2021. Pastor Steve loves serving Christ by serving the Romeo / Washington community in various ways. He’s a passionate Christ follower and loves small group discipleship ministry. With his free time he enjoys family, music, theater, traveling to MLB ballparks, baseball card collecting, MSU Spartan athletics and the Cincinnati Bengals.

Pastor Leon Drake, Executive Pastor
Pastor Leon Drake began as our Children’s Pastor (2003-2007) and then was called to be a lead pastor at Wallingford Church of the Nazarene in Connecticut (2009-2014) and Chicago Northside (2015-2018). He returned as our associate pastor in 2019. His wife, Brenda, has served with him in these roles and is currently the Office Administrator for Orchard Ridge. They both love sports (Go Blue) and having people over to share a meal or just hang out. Pastor Leon completed his MDiv degree from Northwest Nazarene University in 2023 and loves to preach and teach the Word of God. He also serves as the CFO of a global water treatment company. One of his favorite verses is “Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” (NIV).

Levi Brock, Youth Director
Levi joined our staff January 2024! He grew up in a Christian home with his three brothers and parents (and FIVE pets!). He graduated from Olivet Nazarene University in December of 2023 with a degree in Youth Ministry. Levi was called into youth ministry in July 2020, at a church camp he had been attending for many years. He served as our interim Youth Leader in the Summers of 2020 and 2022. Levi is passionate about the future of the church and is dedicated to ministering and building relationships with the next generation of believers. He enjoys golfing and spending time with the people he loves in his free time. Picking a favorite verse or even passage for him is tough, but his favorite book of the Bible is the Psalms!

Children’s Ministries Director – Sharon Barkey
Sharon Barkey is a devoted mom, wife, and most importantly, follower of Jesus. Since the mid-80s “as a teenager “Sharon has always felt called to work with children. They are drawn to her and sense her genuine love and concern for them. She has worked with children in many capacities down through the years “childcare, Sunday School teaching, in home preschool, and most recently as our Children’s Ministry Director (since 2008). She has an educational background in Early Childhood development. Her passions outside of children’s work include her daughters Brianna and Brooke, exercise and fitness, nutrition, artistic sketching, baking and all things Scotland! If you have children, please reach out to Sharon as she would love to tell you more about The Grove Children’s Ministry here at Orchard Ridge.

Worship Director – Skylar Ryskamp
Skylar Ryskamp is one of our worship leaders. He is currently a middle school Social Studies teacher. Skylar enjoys spending time making music and hanging out with family and friends. Skylar loves being a part of the worship team at Orchard Ridge and is always looking forward to worshipping with the congregation. Skylar’s favorite verse is Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Worship Director – Shawn Ryskamp
Shawn Ryskamp is one of our worship leaders. He has had decades of experience being a part of and leading worship teams. Shawn has a passion for music and was a part of a global singing group while he attended Oakland University and got a degree in Communications. Shawn is the father of a family of five and is married to Jennifer. Shawn enjoys spending time with his family, disc golfing, and landscaping. Shawn’s favorite verse is James 1:2-4, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
“Where the lost are found, the found are discipled, and disciples serve.”